Lost After A Major Life Event?

I guide individuals navigating life's milestones, from graduations and new careers to marriages and empty nests. Through personalized support, I’ll help you rediscover the beauty and relevance of your faith, creating a path forward filled with meaning.

Guiding You With Faith and Experience


Senior Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel of Colleyville and Active Member of the Tarrant County Federation

Active Community Leader:

Serving on the California Board of Rabbis and the Executive Board of the Cantors Assembly, Former Member of the National Cantors Assembly


Rabbi/Cantor of the Nachson Minyan Synagogue and Religious School for 15 Years


Rabbinic Ordination and Cantorial Ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion in Los Angeles; Master’s Degree in Jewish Sacred Music.

Add’l Certifications: (Certified Reiki Master Holy Fire III, Sound Bowl Accredited by The Copper Vessel)

Published Author & Innovative Spiritual Teacher

Co-authored two books that seamlessly integrate ancient Jewish wisdom and contemporary personal development: Minding the Temple of the Soul and Entering the Temple of Dreams

Bridging The Gap Between Jewish Tradition & Modern Life

Internationally Recognized

Delivers lectures and musical performances worldwide, transmitting Jewish traditions in ways that resonate with people today and for generations to come.

Engaging Musician

Released two musical albums, Leap of Faith: The Nachshon Minyan Sings the Sabbath and When You Lie Down and When You Rise Up: Jewish Prayers to Begin and End Your Day in a Meaningful Way

Sought-After Speaker

Currently on an international podcast tour, featured on radio shows worldwide. Listen to my latest podcast interview HERE.