Rabbi Cantor Judy Greenfeld


  • Concierge rabbi, officiating personalized lifecycle events like weddings, baby namings, funerals and conversions as well as Jewish learning events. I also offer two levels of subscriptions to those seeking more access and a deeper connection on an ongoing basis. 

  • Undergraduate work at the University of Arizona and received her Cantorial ordination and a Master’s Degree in Jewish Sacred Music and Rabbinic ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion

  • Current member of the California Board of Rabbis

  • Serves on the Sandra Caplan Beit Din in Los Angeles

  • Co-author (with Dr. Tamar Frankiel) of two books: Minding the Temple of the Soul and Entering the Temple of Dreams which detail a groundbreaking approach to Jewish prayer through kinesthetic movement and meditation and song

  • Lectured, taught movement and prayer at retreats and synagogues throughout the United States

  • Released two albums, “Leap of Faith: The Nachshon Minyan Sings the Sabbath” and "When You Lie Down and When You Rise Up: Jewish prayers to begin and end your day in a meaningful way"

  • Served on the Executive Board of the Cantors Assembly (CA) and, in 2009, participated in an international initiative which brought 100 Cantors to Poland

  • Solo performance at Krakow’s Philharmonic Hall and appeared in the acclaimed follow-up documentary, “100 Voices: A Journey Home”

  • Founding member of DeToledo Community High School

  • Thirty years of study of dream work and dream circles with author/teacher Dr. Connie Caplan

  • Active member of the Dance Alive Community, a technique of physical, emotional meditative movement skills that create masterful living

  • Certification in Sound Healing through the Copper Vessel

  • Second Reiki certification in Holy Fire Reiki

  • Traveled to Egypt on a sacred pilgrimage and continues to learn, grow and seek mastery in all areas of spiritual belief and union

My Story

At age 16, my father was held up outside a theater and shot to death. I am the youngest of five children and I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland Ohio. Surviving gun violence is hard enough, but working through the trauma of my life changing overnight took years of searching and healing. For a long time, I was angry with God, and asked the unanswerable question: why him? He loved his Judaism and Israel. In addition, I had another futile question: why do I have to grow up without a father?

Jewish holidays were just a reminder of the finality of his death. He was never coming home. I found little comfort at synagogue because it was again a painful reminder of this tragedy. I wanted some answers. So, I turned towards many different kinds of spiritual and psychological sources to find answers. It took decades before I decided to come back to Judaism but when I was ready, I wanted to see where the spiritual concepts were in the faith I was born into. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the roots of all monotheistic religions and their beliefs come from the Bible/Torah; from, Moses on Mt Sinai with the10 commandments to the 10 sefirot of Kabbalah. These concepts are all found in the same source.

I enrolled in the Academy of Jewish Religion where I was ordained as a Hazzan and continued my studies to receive my Ordination as a Rabbi in 2016. I founded the Nachshon Minyan in 2005, a spiritual, and religious community geared toward unaffiliated Jews and Jews who deeply wanted to update their negative feeling about Judaism. I am proud to say, I have succeeded and have helped hundreds of individuals, bringing relevance to Jewish traditions and rituals.

To me, Judaism is a spiritual practice, and that is what I teach in every class. I am not your ordinary Rabbi/ Cantor as I am traditional and spiritual at the same time. My teachings are a fine weave of an array of spiritual healing practices, and Judaism. I have spent years doing dreamwork, meditation, breath work, healing through somatic dance, studying sound and sonic geometry as ways to understand and open up the ancient scriptures and meaning of Torah, Mussar, and Kabbalah. Over the years, I find the most fulfillment in watching families and individuals wake up to the relevant, powerful ancient teachings of scripture that they took for granted. I see them connect through education and tapping into the history of who they are. There is such a vast spectrum of wisdom and music that I love to teach from Torah to Kabbalah to Calendar to Holidays to Peoplehood to Rituals the list goes on. My passion is teaching and seeing the light go on with beauty and meaning.

Nachson Minyan

Over fifteen years ago, driven by a passion for Judaism, we took a leap of faith, like the Nachshon in the Torah, and stepped into uncharted waters. We built a welcoming community for all Jewish identities. 

Our goal was to reach out to those who have felt disconnected from Judaism or for whom it seems to have little relevance to their lives. We understand those feelings because many of us have felt the same way. With that in mind, we strived to create a warm and welcoming community that observes Shabbat and holidays together with services that are meaningful, joyful and inspiring.

That concept has evolved over time, but the core values of Nachshon remain the same.

I am here for you

I am here to discuss your goals and needs. I am here to celebrate with you. To inspire you. To teach you. To share life with you. Contact me.