Embracing November: Gratitude, Light, & Inner Reflection

We are well into the month of November, and on the Jewish calendar, we are finishing the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. The lunar cycle, from crescent moon to full moon, harkens that with the waning daylight, it is time to go inward and kindle our own guiding light. The dark is not negative for the Jewish people; in fact, we light candles and begin all of our holidays at night.

The Jewish New Year is followed by months of winter darkness. After making commitments to be better people, we need time to sink into our bodies. We need the time to soak in the dark, quiet space of potential. We become weightless as we expand into the cosmic soup of what can be—the dream, the vision that needs the time and space to reset. After all, don’t seeds need the warm, dark earth in order to germinate new life? The velvety dark that wraps us at night is illuminated by the stars and the soft moonlight. We cannot underestimate the power of allowing ourselves time to rest.

This month, we celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving. It isn’t easy finding gratitude for the chaotic world situation. However, what we do have control over is our attitude. The character trait of gratitude is definitely a choice. And I don’t mean “Pollyanna Gratitude.” I am talking about the “meaty” gratitude we find when things are hard and scary. These flashes of real gratitude sprinkle starlight and moonlight over us to brighten the world when there is very little light.

Finding your happy place, free from material concerns, is about tapping into what truly brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of freedom. It’s about connecting with your inner self and the world around you in a way that transcends external measures of success.

Where are the happy places that have nothing to do with money, control, prestige, or power?

Find the place where your freedom rings!

-Rabbi Cantor Judy Greenfeld


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