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We are at war, in Israel! Israel is at War!
It came as a shock on Shemini Atseret, and every consecutive day thereafter and and will now be a day “remembered in history.” It has taken me a few days to distill my thoughts; so selicha, forgive me.
I did not want to give a knee-jerk response of empty words, so please do not mistake this as being absent. Of course, my heart breaks for all of you who have family and friends in Israel now. I too have been calling on families that I KNOW in Israel, receiving calls, speaking to other rabbis, being a part of the Board of Rabbi’s vigil; and reading and watching everything I can.
I know many of you are reeling, and frightened and worried about loved ones, and my hope is to share the best suggestions from my collective resources, suggest prayers to say, and find a time to meet to discuss or express our feelings. The emotions brewing include anger, blame, focusing on what is wrong with the systems that protect, and fear for our friends and families called to war, adding to more feelings of helplessness as to what we can do to help. I admit, when this first happened I wanted to see equal retaliation, but we know that as a people, we must pause, and trust the brilliant warfare known by Israel; to strategize the bigger picture.
There is one Rabbinic source that helps me frame and speak to the situation in Israel. In Pirke Avot, Hillel says, “In a place where there is prevalent evil, you must continue to be the best you can be.” Israel must defend itself, but keep in mind not to be the terrorists. Israel must outsmart the enemy by working harder for negotiation with Saudi Arabia and bonding more with the US.
The division of people is what is stroking these fires that terrorists are taking advantage of. We must have peace within our borders in America, and Israel. We are strongest when we unite. Hillel warns, “ Do not separate yourself from the community.“ This is one of the strongest antidotes to terrorism.
Perhaps most importantly, I am asked: what can we do to help those affected by the tragedies in Israel?
The following includes actions I am today and there are many more I will do each day, and you are invited to join me as well.
Donating to:
Yad Ezra V'Shulamit: food for soldiers who have been called upon suddenly
Chofshe B’artzeinu: helping soldiers and civilians at the Gaza front
Sokora Medical Center: frontline trauma hospital
Natal: mental health treatment for terror and trauma victims
United Hatzalah: volunteer emergency medical services
Friends of the IDF: helping meet the IDF’s critical needs
I am reaching out to my community with my words, and not separating myself.
I am hosting a community for our 1 hour Pop up: Shabbat Candlelighting for Solidarity this Friday, October 13, at 6:00pm
I have studied Torah this morning with Rabbi Michelle from TIOH, my rabbinic study partner; Here is how you can learn more…
I am praying for Israel and all the people there…
Avinu shebashamayin
In this sacred moment, give us hope for Israel and her future.
Renew our wonder at the miracle of the Jewish State.
In the name of the pioneers who made the deserts bloom - give us the tools to cultivate a diversity of Jewish expression in Israel.
In the name of our fallen soldiers - give us courage to stand up to the words and ways of zealots. Those in our own midst and those among our neighbors.
In the name of Israeli inventors who have amazed the world with their innovations – help us apply the same ingenuity to finding a path to peace.
In the name of all these individuals - grant us the strength to conquer doubt and despair in Israel.